


  • 游戏平台:GBA
  • 游戏大小:2.04MB


世界重生 (World Reborn) 一款GBA横向卷轴飞行射击游戏。人类已经失去了所有历史记录。金属废墟和生物技术是过去文明的唯一线索。不到一百年前,人类拥有令人难以置信的技术。然而,这种技术导致了人类的灭亡。为了和平,世界领导人下令制造Judge4101计算机来解决冲突。Judge4101号成功地解决冲突,但一年之后Judge4101无法再次启动。领导们一头雾水,要求建造另一台计算机。此后不久,一条消息在全国广播,“奇怪的机器开始攻击主要城市,彻底消灭了任何抵抗力量”。这些“生物技术”是由有机合成成分制成的。最后一次袭击毁灭了剩下的人类文明。幸存的孩子被收集起来,并被安置在受监控的殖民地。从那时起,在生物技术的暴政下,人类继续生活在恐惧中。直到现在……

Mankind has lost all records of its histories, discoveries and achievements. Metallic ruins and the ever present Biotech are the only clues of past civilizations. Less than one hundred years ago humans possessed incredible technology. However, constant warfare using this technology assured humanity's imminent doom. In the interest of peace, the world leaders ordered the creation of the Judge4101 computer to resolve conflicts. The Judge4101 successfully resolved cases for more than a year before falling silent. Confused, the leaders requested another Judge computer to be built. Shortly thereafter, a message was broadcast across the,"The final verdict has been reached" Strange machines began attacking major cities, utterly annihilating any resistance. These "Biotech" were made from organic and synthetic components. A final assault decimated the remaining human civilizations. The surviving children were collected and put in monitored colonies. Since then humans have continued to live in fear under the Biotech's tyranny. Until now…



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